The History
Biodynamic agriculture is a system of production inspired by the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who defined the principles in 1924.

Within the organic practices, biodynamic agriculture focuses on the astral influences and the rhythm of nature. By using preparations made from plants, ie homeopathy, we look to balance, strengthen and revitalize the plant rather than heal in case of sickness.

Biodynamic practices can be resumed in three points:

– The importance of our land and the plant in its natural environment thanks to the preparations made from plants, animals and minerals.

– The application of these preparations at precis moments throughout the year. The plant is a part of one organism. We work the sol by harrowing and plowing.

– The vine is a living organism. It creates and feeds the land in this lively habitat surrounded by roots. La vigne est un organisme vivant. The exchanges between the organisms in the soil, the root system and the foliage permit an expression of the terroir in the grapes.

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